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How to choose a therapist

Choosing a therapist can be an overwhelming task. You want to make sure they are the right fit, not only for your therapy goals but also for your personality.

Each therapist will have a different approach to therapy and how they would address your concerns and goals. Most therapists offer a free consultation for this reason. Not only do you need to make sure the therapist is the right fit for you, but as therapists, we are also making sure you are the right fit for us!

Here are some questions you might want to ask yourself before committing to a therapist (which by the way you can change at any time). My list may differ from yours because everyone looks for something a little bit different. Some people are looking for a blank slate therapist that doesn't self disclose or show much personality and wants to focus on treatment only - others may be the exact opposite. Both these approaches are great and have their benefits, it's just about which one you prefer.

Here are a few questions I would ask when seeking the right fit for a therapist:

  1. Do they understand my sense of humour?

  2. Do they have experience or knowledge of my presenting concern?

  3. Am I comfortable or could I see myself being open and honest with them?

  4. Do they accept insurance (if that's important to you)?

  5. Do they have the appropriate designation and educational background?

These are only a few questions out of many! Personally, when I am looking for a therapist I have always gone off of these few questions, but more importantly I look for someone that "gets me" and someone that I think I would get along well with.

While professional, the therapy-client relationship is just that....a relationship. So it requires honesty, openness, and an overall understanding. If something comes up in therapy you aren't happy with, communicate that with your therapist so they can repair the issue.

Ensure that your therapist is a good match by scheduling a complimentary consultation initially!


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